记忆力[jì yì lì]
词典the faculty of memory:记忆力。
g. memory
推荐信中描述个性的常见用词 ... f. ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力) g. memory(记忆力) h. accuracy(准确性) ...
mem o ry
英语字母组合:a-ar-ir-ur-or-er-ear,发[[]儿]音 ... kingd o m 王国 k o rea 朝鲜 mem o ry 记忆力 ...
医学词汇(m) 医学英语词典 ... mn(manganese) 锰 mmeme 记忆力 mo(molybdenum) 钼 ...
英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(r2) ... retentiveness 保持力 retentivity 记忆力 retexture 重新处理 ...
1. 律师:那么它是以什么方式影响你的记忆力的呢?
attorney: and in what ways does it affect your memory?
2. 假如我现在能重新开始我的生命,我就要更注意记忆力的培养。
if i can restart my life now, i will take more care the development of memory.
3. 一个借着引经据典来辩论的人,不是在运用自己的才智,他是在运用自己的记忆力。
any one who conducts an argument by appealing to authourity isnot using his intelligence; he is just using his memory.
4. 在学校读书的时候我有惊人的记忆力
when i was at school i had a phenomenal memory.
5. 睾固酮素主要用来治疗有荷尔蒙分泌不足的男性患者,该周刊报导,麦当娜在肌肤上涂抹睾固酮素乳霜,认为可强化肌肉、提升能量、改善记忆力,并可稳定情绪,助她常保青春。
cremaster solid-mainly used for the treatment of hormone secretion shortage of male patients, the magazine reported, madonna in the skin smear---cream cremaster that can strengthen muscles and increase energy, improve memory, and emotional stability, she often help bao youth.
6. 在这方面,他的记忆力从来不出问题
it was the one area his memory never failed him.
7. 一些同学认为应该从儿童时期开始学英语,因为儿童时期记忆力好,能记住很多单词,而且能为以后的英语学习打下结实的`基础。
some students think should start learning english from childhood, because childhood memory is good, can remember so many words, but also for future lay solid foundation in english learning.
8. 所以为了摆脱这个问题,如果你要增加记忆力可能更高更好的vga卡vram型。
so in order to get rid of this problem you need to increase your memory if possible a better vga card with higher vram.
9. 她天生具有好的记忆力。
she is gifted with a good memory.
10. 目的 :探讨视觉对空间记忆力的影响。
objective:to export the visual sense influence the space memory.
11. 你的记忆力到这种时候总是不好。
you memory is always poor at this time.
12. 我总是抱怨我的记忆力差,不过现在因为地图思维的原因我的记忆力变得很好了。
i was always complaining about my poor memory, but now my memory has become good because of the map idea.